Shop window styles

Shop window styles

There are different shop window styles that can be used based on the respective target group, the product / service and the company profile.

Subject window

Subject window

Theme windows offer the easy way to create strong visual expression.

Using a certain theme in shop window styles create the opportunity to tell a story and make the shop window more interesting.

A Stack window

A Stack window

As the name suggests, we stack products on top of each other in the stacking window.

The main thing here is to attract the customer’s attention.

It is important that you limit yourself to 2 to 5 products during the integration and use design principles (e.g., golden ratio) when building up so that the shop window still looks appealing to the viewer.

Due to the visual expression, low-price products or sales of products are particularly suitable here.

Impulse purchases can also be increased here.

Open shops window

Open shops window

An open shop window is a shop window without a back wall. Here we see the products from the outside.

The direct view into the business premises is certainly an advantage. However, this creates a major disadvantage for the shop window design:

It has to stand out from the surroundings in order to be visually outstanding; However, it must also fit into the overall concept of the landing design thematically and stylistically and not create a “visual contrast”.

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