Tempered glass partitions

Tempered glass partitions

We can install glass partitions made of tempered glass in rooms to divide the area, ensure the safety of people and property, and prevent the spread of fire to adjacent areas. Tempered glass partitions reliably ensure fire safety behind the fire during the entire time of fire resistance.

Features of tempered glass partitions

Tempered glass – specially heat treated. Its peculiarity is that it is able to withstand high temperatures and mechanical stress. If damaged, the tempered glass does not crumble into small pieces, which minimizes the likelihood of injury. Glass tempering takes place at a high temperature, followed by rapid cooling. In this case, the optical properties of the glass do not change.

Tempered glass partition

Manufacturers can obtain tempered glass in folded or sheet form, which makes it possible to use it as an interior decoration. Tempered glass has some special features. Due to the hardening process, the internal stress changes, which leads to an increase in bending strength. To avoid breakages, all important changes must be made to the glass plate before tempering. Therefore, tempered glass is always made to order. High technologies allow making tempered glass:

Painted, Mirrored, Completely transparent, With a matte surface, Hybrid, Alternately transparent.

What are glass partitions for?

We mainly use tempered glass partitions to visually preserve the volume of a room and at the same time to fence off the required space. Many people want to order a glass partition in order to:

Tempered glass partition

Creation of a single spacious room, light and weightless, into which the sun’s rays freely penetrate;

Effective division of the room into zones. We can use tempered glass to give a room a unique style, depending on the desired effect.

Glass partitions can be dismantled at any time and moved to another location. We combine the products ideally with interiors decorated in a minimalist style. They are easy to wash and keep clean.

Tempered glass partitions – “for safety”

Nowadays, glass partitions are becoming more widespread. With their help, you can create premises for various purposes. MD Glass Company offers everyone to visually expand the space of the room in one of the most effective ways – by installing tempered glass partitions.

Manufacturers produce structures with a thickness of 0.026-0.032 ft using a technology that allows increasing the strength of glass several times. In the event of an emergency in which partitions have to be broken, the glass shards will be safe and will not harm a person.

Our experts will take into account all the features of your architectural conditions and select the optimal and technically competent solution.

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