Tempered glass doors

Tempered glass doors

We can obtain tempered glass doors by firing cloths in special ovens with strong heating. Thermal action makes fragile glass strong and resistant to impacts. A tempered glass door is 5-10 times stronger than ordinary glass; if it is damaged, the sheet crumbles into particles without sharp edges.

Glass door

For indoor installation, the following types of doors are popular:

Hinged – complemented by classic hinges that provide the ease of opening;

Sliding – the design includes a guide for moving the canvas and a roller mechanism that moves the doors along the wall.

Additional decorative processing of tempered glass doors

Glass door

Additional decorative processing of the glass surface allows you to make the interior original and interesting.

As options we can use: art painting and engraving; matting; jellied, film stained-glass windows; sandblasting; fusing; photo print.

We can install the tempered glass door using durable materials that can withstand the increased impact. Some design options involve the installation of frameless doors on clamping profiles.

Regardless of the type of room in which the installation of tempered glass doors structures is planned, MD glass company will offer the best solution, taking into account your preferences and the allocated budget. We produce reliable, attractive doors at an affordable price, carry out their professional installation, guaranteeing the quality of products and work performed. To order, please contact our phone managers or leave a request on the website.

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