Strained glass

Strained glass

Currently, all kinds of glass structures are becoming more and more popular in architecture. However, the use of ordinary glass for these purposes, in the event of its destruction, endangers people in the immediate vicinity of these structures. The modern and most expedient solution in this situation is such an innovative material as tempered glass (strained glass). We will dwell on this in more detail below.

Tempered glass production

Tempered glass production

It is somewhat similar to tempering steel. The production of tempered glass takes place in specialized furnaces for this type of processing. In reality, glass tempering looks like this: immediately after cooling, high internal stresses appear in the upper layers, which give the material substantial strength and resistance to high temperatures.

If we compare this glass with a simple one, then the glass after tempering is able to withstand 5-7 times stronger mechanical loads, and also not to collapse when the temperature background changes by 200 degrees.

Tempered glass production

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