All-glass partitions

All-glass partitions

All-glass partitions for offices are manufactured only from tempered safety glass with a standard thickness. It is easy to process, opening up a wide space for the creative ideas of designers.

Advantages of all-glass partitions

The presence of a built-in box, including for blind doors;

The presence of a cable channel for electrical wiring;

Glass adjustment.

Products consist of sections that are joined “butt-to-joint”. Office partitions made of glass without strapping create a feeling of weightlessness and lightness.

All systems are aesthetic and reliable. The use of each of them depends on the functionality and characteristics of the room. Swing doors are convenient for shops or walk-through areas (they open in both directions, returning to their original position with a floor closer). In modern offices, high demands are made on sound insulation. Therefore, our all-glass partitions with doors have rebated frames:

Frame for all-glass doors;

Universal frame for the installation of blind doors.

Frame all-glass partitions will fit into any interior. They are lightweight, while providing reliability and safety.

Technical characteristics of all-glass partitions

Thickness, Maximum height, Door leaf thickness, Height of the upper / lower profile (can be used without the lower profile), Recommended door size, Soundproofing.


Tempered glass partitions are suitable for office, home interiors, sales areas, boutiques, shops. They share small spaces of offices, meeting rooms, halls. When applying a decorative pattern, you get not just a wall, but a whole work of art.

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