Aluminum entrance doors

Aluminum entrance doors

With its robust construction and an innovative powder coating, an entrance door made of aluminum not only offers excellent protection against break-ins, but also withstands extreme weather conditions. The slightly higher price of an aluminum entrance door pays off in the long term, because thanks to a sophisticated multi-chamber system, it guarantees excellent thermal insulation for your home.

Stability of aluminum entrance doors through modern technology

Aluminum entrance doors

The wing profile of the aluminum entrance doors consists of a multi-chamber system, similar to that of plastic entrance doors. In contrast to wooden or plastic doors, we fill the middle chamber of such a house door with foam to increase thermal insulation. Our exclusive house doors are also provided with special insulation, which additionally increases the thermal insulation. With the models of the Premium series, you can optionally add this insulation insert in the configuration. Our exclusive house doors are also provided with special insulation, which additionally increases the thermal insulation. With the models of the Premium series, you can optionally add this insulation insert in the configuration.

We increase the thermal insulation of these doors by the sash filling and a thermally separated threshold. A wider profile also improves sound insulation. Every metal – including aluminum – is sensitive to temperature.

Aluminum entrance doors

Differences between the outside temperature and the inside of the house cause warped sashes and leaks. Modern doors made of aluminum now have so-called warping-inhibiting leaves.

These cannot, of course, completely rule out warping, but can keep it to a minimum, so that the deflection of the door sash can be reduced by more than half in the event of large temperature differences.

With the triple glazing installed as standard, the thermal insulation of entrance doors made of aluminum comes close to the values ​​of house doors made of wood or plastic.

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