Aluminum office doors

Aluminum office doors

Aluminum office doors are a practical and functional option for decorating an entrance. We can manufacture such structures in any format, including non-standard solutions, which provides unlimited possibilities in interior design at an acceptable cost.

Aluminum office door

Aluminum profile office doors are lightweight. To increase their service life, the manufacture complement these structures by a system of door closers that close the door. Doors do not require complex maintenance or the installation of expensive hardware, which makes them ideal for an office, shop, cafe and other areas where there are always a lot of people.

Varieties of profiles for aluminum doors

Aluminum office doors with glass are made on the basis of two types of frames, which are responsible for the functionality and reliability of the structure:

“Cold” – hollow inside, closed solid aluminum profile. We can use them for installation inside offices and shops, on verandas and balconies.

Aluminum office door

“Warm” – a composite two-profile design, connected by a thermostat. It is used for rooms in which it is required to create thermal and sound insulation. Actual options for insulated loggias and balconies, use as an entrance door.

In addition to the design of the profile, the doors differ in the configuration, which determines the size of the space during installation and the way of opening. The most common options are:

Pendulum; portal; folding and sliding; suspended.

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