Guide to choose glass door

Guide to choose glass door

In an easy and practical way, you can choose a glass door that is in tune with the decoration of your home, business or commercial establishment. It is important that you think carefully about what are you looking for, and what do you need?

We try to provide you with an article about types of glass doors, basic characteristics that they should have and how to choose the best glass for it.

Glass door

Types of glass doors (Guide to choose glass door)

There are many types of glass doors, but we decided to group them into two, the most used and the ones that provide the best adaptability and presentation.

1) Swing glass door

When we refer to a swing door we are referring to a door that rotates around its own axis of rotation. This axis can be found located to the left or to the right.

 In turn, within the casement doors you can choose whether to install one or two leaves. Usually when we talk about a standard size frame, for home use, a single sheet is chosen.

But, if, on the other hand, we have a frame of greater proportions, in an area of ​​high traffic, it is best to install a double-leaf door.

Swing glass door

2) Sliding glass door

Sliding glass doors have an opening system that works horizontally. It is ideal for its application in places where there is little space, so it is common to implement them as internal divisions, but it does not limit its use, so they can also be used in accesses to the outside or as the main door.

Sliding glass door

3) Commercial glass doors

One of the most popular types of commercially glass doors is the aluminum storefront door. The aluminum door frames are lightweight, yet strong. The combination of materials is durable and versatile, making them beneficial to all kinds of business establishments. Aluminum storefront doors are highly recommended for high-traffic areas because they let passersby see clearly into your shop or office. If something interesting catches their eye, they may be more likely to walk in and take a look around.

Commercial glass door

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