One of the most important advantages of an electric sliding door is the accessibility – whether with fully loaded hands, a stroller or a wheelchair. Further advantages are comfort, hygiene, space savings or the throughput volume with high customer frequency.

We design the door system according to your choice. Choose between different materials, colors or installation variants and adapt the automatic sliding door to your building object.


The automatic sliding door

Automatic sliding door

The classic among the automatic doors is the simple electric sliding door. These are available in the construction variants with one and two movable leaves.

The sliding doors differ mainly in size and opening speed. There are also a variety of design options. For example, through extra quiet running properties or particularly slim drive components. With the choice of different materials, from aluminum to stainless steel to all-glass sliding doors, there are hardly any limits to your desired design.

But the sliding door can also be adapted to your individual needs with additional products such as warm air curtains, thermal insulation, burglar protection, fire alarms or smoke alarms. An additional extension of the sliding door to form an escape door is also possible.

Give us a call and let us advise you on your property without an obligation – we will find the right sliding door for you!

Telescopic sliding door

Telescopic sliding door

Another variant of the sliding door is the telescopic sliding door. Telescopic doors are available with both two and four wings.

Compared to simple sliding doors, they have the advantage of a larger passage width in the same space.

All of the above-mentioned additional products such as hot air curtains or burglar protection are also available for telescopic sliding doors, and we can also install them as an escape door.

Angled & circular sliding doors

Circular sliding doors

Is only one corner entrance possible due to the design? No problem, electronic sliding doors can also be constructed around corners without any problems.

If you have a large entrance area, you can give your entrance optically exclusive with the help of a circular sliding door. Versatile individual adjustments and different types of circular sliding door are also possible here. For example, a complete round arch as a vestibule, an inward or outward sliding door in a semicircle or an individually slightly curved arch segment are possible.

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