Build a partition wall

Build a partition wall

Would you like to subdivide your drywall rooms individually? In this text tutorial you will learn how to build a partition. You will find out what to look out for during preparation, when creating the stud frame, attaching the plasterboard, insulating and cladding the walls and finally when filling.

Build a partition wall

Planning and preparation of a partition wall

1. At the beginning, plan the exact location, length and height of the wall and the position of the door. The wall thickness must also be determined in advance. For example, if the wall thickness is 3.93 inch, you need 1.96 inch thick metal profiles and double cladding with 0.49 inch thick panels on each side of the wall. If the separated room is to become a bathroom, you need damp-proof panels for the cladding on the bathroom side. Sound insulation should also be built in at the same time.

Build a partition wall

2. Mark the course of the wall on the floor. Make sure the wall is parallel to the opposite wall. Transfer the position of the partition wall to the adjacent wall, the sloping ceiling and the ceiling. This is easy and very precise with a cross line laser. It is enough if you make a mark every 19.69 inch.

The panel format, the orientation (portrait or landscape) and the number of layers (one or two layers) must also be specified. The distance between the stand profiles is then based on one another. Use the manufacturer’s planning guides and recommendations for this.

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