Curtain walls combine astonishing appearance, high construction quality and the highest technical requirements in order to be able to create huge glass walls. Nowadays, glass facades are becoming more and more common, as they ultimately represent the perfect solution for connecting indoor and outdoor spaces almost seamlessly. In addition to ventilated facades, the curtain wall is one of the most common and flexible construction methods. Whether it is a large office building or a modern home – curtain walls are used for all kinds of properties and leave a striking first impression.


Different construction methods for curtain walls

These walls were already used in representative and industrial buildings in the 19th century. Its earliest historical roots are in the United States.

If you decide on a facade that is hung in front of the outside wall, you can enjoy significant advantages in several areas. The load-bearing house facade ideally offers protection against:

Protection from strong winds and frost

Protection against driving rain and moisture

Curtain wall


Protection against UV radiation

Protection against pollutants in the air

Thermal insulation and improvement of the U-values

Aluminum – a durable material

Curtain walls with load-bearing elements made of aluminum are particularly weatherproof and durable: because anodized aluminum is not susceptible to rust and can withstand wind, rain and frost.

The material can be freed of dirt with little effort during cleaning and renovation and exudes a simple, modern elegance.

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