Features of using office partitions

Features of using office partitions

Such a design increases the free area of ​​each office up to 30%, which was previously “eaten” by thick walls made of brick or concrete. If office partitions, the cost of which is completely low, are made of glass, then the owners of the company not only protect subordinates from annoying external factors but can also control the workflow from the outside. In the case where privacy is required, blinds can be used.

features of using office partitions


The installation which can be completed within a few hours will help you complete the task as quickly as possible. You have the opportunity to independently decide on the model of mobile partitions, because they are low and high, with the ceiling and floor mounting, with and without wheels, as well as with blinds or solid. In exceptional variations, it is possible to place cables and electrical wiring in the structure itself, as there are varieties of thickness. Low partitions will allow you to divide the workplaces, and their assembly and disassembly can be completed in a few hours. These models will be most relevant for use in showrooms.

Features of using office partitions

Benefits of using office partitions

Modern designs will allow you to perform an attractive redevelopment of any office space. Scientists have proven that the working environment affects the efficiency of staff performance from 5 to 15%. Therefore, modern-level partitions will help to easily create the desired atmosphere by dividing the territory into appropriate zones. The main advantages

High sound insulation

Possibility of installation in one frame of aluminum and wooden doors

Possibility of wiring computer and telephone networks

With the use of embedded elements, it is possible to fasten racks to the ceiling and floor

Ease of operation

Mobility, due to which it is possible to move the structure to another place

Choice of the desired style to complement the existing interior

The fastest possible implementation of the division of the territory

Reliability and durability

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