How burglar-proof can a shop door be made?

How burglar-proof can a shop door be made?

More security for your business

Shop door

Here at MD glass company you can easily configure and order your entrance door for the business or your business. Aluminum shop doors are particularly popular. Aluminum is a particularly stable material and can even support large glass elements. It also improves two popular break-in techniques because the material cannot be easily drilled or pried open.

In addition to the frame material, there are other aspects of the security of a shop door. On the one hand, you should take a closer look when choosing the lock. A profile cylinder with vertical and transverse locking pins increases the security of your business.

But also a suitable glazing increases the burglary protection of your shop door. You can make your business premises secure by using certain elements. Nonetheless, a secure shop door alone is not enough in some cases. That is why investing in an alarm system and a monitoring system is often very useful.

Shop door

Which door handles are best for shop doors? 

A shop door is operated several times a day. Countless customers enter and leave the store every day. Not only are the door hinges more stressed than with other doors, but also the locks and door handles.

Pull handles are therefore used more and more frequently in modern shop doors. Push handles prevent the door handles from wearing out, as no lever handle has to be operated. A shop door should always be unlocked when it is open so that the door leaf only needs to be pushed open.

In addition, push handles enable optimal comfort. The long handle offers a large gripping surface so that you cannot miss the handle even if you move quickly. The design of a pull handle can also be optimally combined with modern architectural styles and also looks extremely minimalist and modern!

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