Installation location of glass sliding doors

Installation location of glass sliding doors

The door module can be installed in the ceiling, wall above the opening. With a ceiling mount, the opening is partially blocked, the design is similar to a coupe. To install, there must be a free wall in front of the opening so that the door module can move.

If you want to buy glass interior sliding doors above the opening in California, you can choose the option with an open and closed movement system. The open system assumes that the carriages move along an open track, which is attached to the wall. When opening, the canvas moves to the side. The closed system hides the clamping mechanism and roller carriages.

Installation location of glass sliding doors

What determines the price of glass sliding doors and partitions

The door module consists of the following parts:

roller mechanism;


guide rails;

glass sheet or sheets;


Installation location of glass sliding doors

The cost of the whole structure is the sum of the price of each element. We recommend not saving on fittings and installation. Ordering glass sliding doors with high-quality fittings is a guarantee that they will move smoothly, slowly, without creaking. Professional installation is also needed so that the structure does not fly out of the grooves, and also does not sag over time.

Glass design options

Glass may be frosted. Matting is achieved by one of the methods: sandblasting, etching and film technology. You can also tint the surface, giving it any shade. To do this, a coloring pigment is added to the glass mass or coated with a colored film. Any design can be applied to the canvas using matting, engraving or UV printing.

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