Repair & maintenance of historical glazing

Repair & maintenance of historical glazing

The maintenance of listed buildings often involves the repair or upgrading of historical glazing.

MD Glass Company has acquired a broad knowledge and a wealth of experience in this area in recent years.

Can you still order the original quality?

In the case of historical materials, the question of the availability of the original material always arises. We know a wide variety of original qualities and know whether the old glasses can still be ordered or reproduced.

Repair historical glazing

Good work is only possible with good cooperation

We also carry out services such as rusting, painting, etc. on a smaller scale as a glazier ourselves. In addition, we work together with painters, locksmiths and joiners and take over the coordination of the individual work. Our customer receives the complete service from a single source.

Monument protection, security & modern optics

Repair historical glazing

As in many other examples, the compromise between the requirements of monument protection and modern security requirements not only requires a lot of technical understanding, but above all a lot of creativity in the search for a solution that takes all aspects into account.

Let our experts advise you!

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