The double glazing makes it possible to create insulating showcases with a high level of safety. Multi functional and versatile, double glazing is therefore ideal for the creation of shop windows and public places, being in compliance with the main accident prevention regulations and allowing to reduce the emissions of polluting particles into the atmosphere, thanks to their ability to eliminate heat loss through windows. MD glass company specializing in the design, construction and installation of display cases, is available to customers to provide more information on the technical characteristics and prices of double glazing.


Made by combining different layers of glass using a special adhesive film in plastic material, the double laminated glasses are able to guarantee high levels of protection against vandalism, break-in and break-in attempts, as well as excellent levels of passive safety. In other words, in the event of breakage, the laminated double glazing can break, but without breaking up, and therefore without posing a danger to people. Furthermore, by using a greater number of plastic films and glass of greater thicknesses, it is possible to obtain vandal-proof, anti-crime or bulletproof display cases that retain all the characteristics of double glazing.

Another point to underline concerns the dimensions of the windows, which greatly influence the dissipation of heat: in fact, this figure increases proportionally to the size of the windows. Since the windows are much larger than normal windows, it is easy to understand how heat loss can significantly affect the consumption of shops and public establishments, especially if they have more than one window. Choosing double glazing for the realization of the windows of your shop, bar or public place can therefore have a positive impact on the balance sheet of the commercial activity, while also guaranteeing protection against vandalism or attempted break-ins and break-ins.

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