Stages of installation of glass sheets

Stages of installation of glass sheets

The process of installing glass sheets requires a responsible approach. While partitions made of plasterboard and other materials can be adjusted to the size of the room on-site, if necessary, glass sheets are brought to the required size during the production process. Measurements of future structures are carried out several times, and their dimensions are agreed upon with the client. Before ordering the installation of glass partitions in California, it is necessary to complete other repairs that can affect the parameters of the room.

Stages of installation of glass sheets

Several stages of installing glass sheets

Workplace preparation. The room is checked for defects, and wires and cables are laid on the walls or floor.

Markup. Masters mark the installation area on the ceiling, wall surfaces, and the floor in places where the panels will be fastened.

Stages of installation of glass sheets

Hardware installation. Guide systems and fasteners are fixed, followed by a check of their reliability.

Assembly of structures. Glass blocks are fixed to the previously installed fasteners, and individual panels are brought into a single structure.

Checking the reliability of the installation. Evaluation of the performance of the canvas, giving it the final appearance. If necessary, external design is carried out in accordance with the design project.

MD glass has many years of experience in the provision and installation of glass partitions of various types. Installation work is carried out by a team of qualified craftsmen, which guarantees the high quality of their performance. Our dividing structures, with proper operation, will last for many years, allowing you to create a stylish and attractive interior for any room.

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