The most important door types

The most important door types

The large number and variety of doors in retail are hardly manageable these days. With this article we give you an overview of the common door types and their specific features.

Definition: what actually is a door?

From a functional point of view, a door is usually a rotatable opening in a wall that closes a passage or entrance. While a door usually leads into the interior of a building or from room to room within it, the usually larger gates often lead to interior heights, backyards or into useful buildings such as barns, stables or workshops.

Differentiation between exterior and interior doors (door types)

The most important door types

A basic distinction between doors is that of

inner doors

and exterior doors.

Interior doors are doors that we can only use them inside the building. So, apartment (entrance) doors in apartment buildings and room doors (intermediate space doors) in apartments.

External doors, on the other hand, are doors that close a wall opening in the building from the outside world. You have contact with wind and weather.

The most important door types

Front doors and balcony doors or patio doors

However, this distinction is very rough and fails to recognize the often complex structure of a building made up of exterior, interior spaces and numerous intermediate zones. Therefore, it makes more sense to differentiate between the functional and structural requirements that are placed on the respective door types.

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