

Triplex is a series of glasses laminated (glued) together with a high-strength film or laminating liquid, which, upon impact, do not allow fragments to scatter. Thanks to this structure, the material has a number of advantages that distinguish it from conventional single-layer glass. First of all, it should be noted that triplex belongs to the group of safety glasses, as it is a durable material that does not crumble into fragments during a battle but remains glued together. Today it is possible to produce both two-layer and multilayer materials, consisting of 6-7 layers. Also, significant properties are fairly good soundproofing characteristics.

The production of triplex

It is a very complex and responsible procedure, using advanced technologies. In the manufacture of triplex, every detail is important – even a slight deviation from the technological process leads to a significant decrease in the quality of the finished material. In addition, the quality of raw materials is no less important.

The use of autoclave technology involves the interconnection of silicate glasses with a polymer film. This process is carried out under the influence of high temperatures. It should be borne in mind that the production of a triplex in this way is quite dangerous since it can lead to an explosion of glass. The second method, which is called vacuum lamination, is much safer. In this case, the manufacture of triplex begins with the processing of the surface and edges of the glass, as well as the laying of the film. After that, the design is placed in a vacuum installation, where it goes through several stages: cold vacuum; surface heating; holding, and cooling. This method is also environmentally friendly.

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