Types of aluminum doors

Types of aluminum doors

1. Cold aluminum doors

The aluminum door is manufactured without a special thermal insert. These can be swing, sliding, swing doors, vestibules, etc. In these systems, the manufacturer glaze them with double-glazed windows or single glass. Soundproof characteristics depend on the thickness of the glass unit. Most often we use them to divide a room into separate sections: for example, as intra-office ones. Another advantage is the inexpensive price.

Aluminum door

2. Warm aluminum doors

The manufacturer distinguish them by high sound and heat insulation characteristics and install them mainly at the entrances to office and shopping centers, shops, office buildings. They consist of a two-chamber profile connecting jumpers and thermal inserts. The insert acts as a thermostat. These doors have better technical and operational characteristics, but, of course, they are more expensive.

Aluminum door

Ordinary aluminum has a silvery color with a pleasant matt finish, but thanks to innovative technologies, we can process and paint them in any color. Powder enamels, which are most often used for painting metal, guarantee the protective properties and durability of the coating. Manufacturer can anodize them in a natural color or imitation wood. What is anodizing? This is the electrochemical protection of aluminum and its alloys from aggressive environmental influences.

Aluminum door

Also, we can glaze doors or not, partially glaze with a blind bottom, single-, one-and-a-half- and double-leaf, swing, sliding, pendulum doors. Regardless of the option of opening, the manufacturer can make automatic doors. They install them separately in the opening or as part of the facade glazing. Glass is temper, triplex, energy-saving, tinted – that is, to give the door individual characteristics. In addition to personal preferences, when choosing a door, you need to take into account the operating conditions and the average flow of people.

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