Which glazing do you need?

Which glazing do you need?

Which glazing is best for your windows? Well, several factors play a role in the selection. For buildings in noisy locations, we recommend soundproof glazing for windows in bedrooms, workrooms and living rooms. It is important to select the optimal sound insulation class. For security, for example against burglary or stone throwing, safety glazing is conceivable. Manufacturer should make certain glass surfaces such as floor-to-ceiling windows or automatically opening glass doors of safety glass to be on the safe side.

Soundproof glazing

Soundproof glazing

The soundproof glazing of windows contributes to noise protection in rooms. We particularly recommend in locations with a high level of background noise, such as on busy streets or railway lines. It is often sufficient to install soundproof windows in living rooms, work rooms and bedrooms.

The higher the noise level, the higher the sound insulation value should be; there are 6 sound insulation classes to choose from. Soundproof windows are multiple glazed windows that are constructed asymmetrically. Features are individual panes of different thicknesses and often laminated glass on the outside.

Safety glass

Safety glass

In the case of safety glass, we can make a distinction between laminated safety glass and toughened safety glass. It serves various purposes in window construction. For example, manufacturer intend to make windows and balcony doors more burglar-proof, prevent damage from vandalism such as stone throwing and prevent injuries in the event of glass breakage.

As attack-resistant glazing, it has a bullet-resistant, impact-resistant, break-through-resistant effect and inhibits the effect of explosions. It is also used for panes that are resistant to ball throwing, for example in sports halls.

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