The frameless glazing system is ideal for terrace glazing. It can also be used for balcony glazing.

Outside, the system is a solid glass wall without frames or uprights. It visually enlarges the space of a balcony or terrace and is practically invisible when closed. Along with the obvious aesthetic advantages, frameless glazing systems create a complex of additional consumer properties. When folded, the system takes up almost no space, and the convenience of hygienic maintenance of the balcony glazing is provided due to easy access to both sides of the sash and the absence of a threshold.

Frameless glazing

The panels of the system are made of special tempered glass. They can roll freely with roller carriages on rails attached to the upper and lower edges of the opening. The balcony can be fully opened by sliding the glass sections to the side and turning them towards the wall. When closed, the glazing is locked with a padlock.

Frameless glazing system

With a frameless system, it is possible to glaze large openings. An excellent effect can be achieved by glazing in this way the terrace of a private house, the walls of a cafe or restaurant. There is a feeling of complete presence on the street. This type of glazing is simply necessary if a wall overlooking the garden is glazed, if a hotel or cafe is located in a park, on the seashore or in some other picturesque corner. 

The advantages of frameless glazing system

Framelee glass door

The frameless glass sliding door has the characteristics of not occupying space, simple and beautiful, wide vision, high lighting rate, good force state of the door leaf, and not easy to damage. You can freely choose the position of opening doors, vents, etc., as long as you push it gently, it can be opened flexibly. With a large piece of glass, you can observe the outdoor environment, which is also a kind of enjoyment.

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