Shop window glazing

Shop window glazing

The unobstructed view of products and goods is guaranteed by high-quality shop window glass. The glass has to withstand a multitude of requirements and offer many functions. It should protect the exhibits from the sun and fading, at the same time attracting passers-by and also protecting them from break-ins and the weather.

Shop window glazing

Less reflection for a clear view and high-contrast colors

One of the biggest problems with shop window glazing is reflection. We can recommend anti-reflective glass that can reduce irritating reflections to a minimum. With a coating on the outside of the shop window to reduce reflection and a coating on the inside for sun protection / heat protection, you get a perfect combination for high-quality shop window glass. Anti-reflective shop window glass offers maximum transparency and an unrestricted view of the inside of the shop. It reduces light reflection to a minimum and sharpens contrasts and colors. A clear view of the area and the products behind the shop window are very important for shop owners. Our glass recommendations are all convincing due to their exceptionally low light reflection and enable individual glass design. We recommend safety glass for floor-to-ceiling shop windows.

Shop window glazing

Easy-to-clean surface coating in shop window glazing

The easy-to-clean surface coating makes sense especially on large shop window areas. The surface creates the lotus effect and prevents water marks from settling on the glass surfaces. Cleaning with warm water is usually sufficient. You save on the costs of ongoing maintenance cleaning and always have a clear view.

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