When your window frame need replacing ?

When your window frame need replacing ?

Window frame replacing

Replacing older frames is done the most when the old window frames have the best time. Think for example of rotting wood or open seams and crevices. Renewing frames can also be done if you want to better insulate your home or business premises.

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The current window frames offer a much higher insulation value than the window frames that were made earlier. With better insulation you can save a lot of money on the heating costs you make.

Frames have a fairly long life, but of course they also have to be replaced if they are going to get worse over the years.

The problems described above can then occur. Frames are exposed to different weather conditions and as a result, they get a lot going on. The durability depends to a great extent on the material used to make the window frames. Roughly 3 types of material are used:

Wooden window frames

Vinyl frames

Aluminum frames

In the case of wooden frames, the paint can start to peel off and the edges of the glazing can start to travel. This last signal indicates that your window frames actually need to be replaced.

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The disadvantage of wood is that it can rot. And because the wooden frames have to be painted, it is always a matter of time that the paint starts to peel. Never wait too long to renew your window frames. Because the wood is exposed it can also rot.

In case of rotting phenomena, the frame cannot support your walls enough and more damage to your home can occur. In some cases, it is also possible to repair the window frames. This is generally cheaper but is not just as sensible in all cases.

Often it is a postponement of problems, repairing is often a temporary solution, which means that new window frames have to be installed after the foreseeable future.

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